Build Better Business Graph Using Tableau Dashboard 

Business Intelligence software has evolved as an indispensable tool for modern businesses. Anyorganization that needs to stay ahead of the game has to use a BI tool to get insights and make data-driven decisions. However, simply coming up with bar
charts or pie charts is not the sole mission of these tools. Businesses need a
business intelligence tool that tells a story - that shows the soul of the
business through data. Hence, you can’t just use any such tool - you need
Tableau, which goes beyond simple data analytics. Let’s show you why Tableau is
the best when it comes to building insightful and storified business graphs. 

Visualize HugeData with Simple Graphs 

Theprimary attraction of Tableau software is the fact that you can say a lot with a simple, minimalist chart. It lets you use the Tableau dashboard as an empty canvas; you can manipulate the data visualization and add your own design or images to create an efficient and aesthetic dashboard. 

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Lookat this Tableau sales dashboard example (source: Tableau Website)  

Anoverview of sales and profit. 

Thetrajectory of sales and profit. 

Maximumand minimum sales and profit in terms of the month. 

Comparison with the same data of the previousyear. 

This is the power ofTableau. You can report everything without making the dashboard cluttered or hard to digest. 

Tableau Helps You Maintain a Balance betweenEfficiency and Modern Design 

When it comes to creating abusiness graph, it is recommended that chartists keep fancy designs to a minimum and focus more on the efficiency of the chart. However, Tableau makes it possible to get the best of both worlds. 

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Look at this Tableau salesdashboard example: 

The graph employs a moderndark mode with a flat-ish design. However, this fancy design does not impact the usefulness or digestibility of the chart. You can read all the information
with little effort. The graph is dynamic. It lets the viewer slice and dice the data. 

The USP of Tableau Is Ad Hoc Data Visualization 

There are many tools andprogramming languages out there that can visualize data as efficiently as Tableau Dashboard does. However, they all suffer from a common pain point. These tools can’t come up with ad hoc data visualization. With these tools, you
need to spend a lot of time building detailed, explorable graphs. 

Tableau dashboard, however,has the power to build graphs from complex data within minutes. You can literally make detailed graphs while attending a team meeting. Such ad hoc data visualization saves a lot of time and empowers businesses to stay ahead of the competition. 

Tableau Is for Everyone 

If you want everyone inyour organization to build better business graphs, Tableau is the way to go.

Tableau dashboard democratizes data visualization. No need to learn Python or R
to explore complex data and get insights from it. With Tableau, all you need to
do is - connect to the data source, upload the data, and slice and dice the data
just by dragging and dropping the fields in the table. 


Tableau offers excellentflexibility in creating graphs exactly how businesses want. Every feature of Tableau follows charting and design best practices. And when we talk about
flexibility, we have to mention the flexibility of the Tableau license as well. Overall, Tableau is a great asset for businesses that knowthe value of data analytics.